Elevating Your Faculty Application
“Challenging power structures from the inside, working the cracks within the system, however, requires learning to speak multiple languages of power convincingly.”
Each element is an opportunity.
Do not squander them under the guise of meeting requirements.
With an editorial ally, a reduced word count amplifies why you are uniquely qualified for the faculty position(s) you seek. Too many applicants of color and other marginalized identities advance through their academic careers with just enough confidence in their qualifications to get them through the home stretch of degree attainment. Then (or simultaneously), for many, it seems to evaporate as they try to force an entire lifetime of living, learning, researching and teaching into a few pages.
Sound familiar? The high stakes are playing mind games with you. You CAN tell your story with a precision and depth that makes you a memorable candidate. Yes, this is the chance of a lifetime. Just remember that you are the applicant of a lifetime. Our services will help you prove just that.
What would you like to reimagine, reconstruct and/or polish?
The same hourly rate applies.
($75/hr for 5-day turnaround or $90/hr for 3-day turnaround)
CV Review & Editing is an add-on for any selection.
Cover Letter
In addition to making a first impression, this two-page document must give memorable insight into who you are while also addressing key stated and unspecified (but commonly known) questions of those considering you. Even beyond repetition and impressive (yet dry) facts, submit a cover letter that compels the reviewer to learn more. When it comes down to it, they must WANT you on their team. What needs to happen for your current version to become your final version?
research statement
You want to come off as more than competent and an emerging force in your field(s) of study and instruction. It’s imperative that you demonstrate what you’ve learned while breathing life into your scholarship in a way that walks the line of being scholarly and a revelation. You may already know how to do this. You may also be so familiar with your work and your role in it that the ability to capture the magic that both are escapes you right now. In case the latter is true, we can help.
teaching statement
Of course your philosophy and how you have lived it out through your instruction must be clear. What’s more, you must show that you inspire and arm students to be the champions of their own academic journeys and life trajectories. How do you do so without appearing to feign humility or tell tales that are a bit too tall? It’s about how you manage to stand in who you are while standing out as a candidate. What alchemy, tools, and team support will you bring to the table? Why do they need you? Answer with clarity.